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  • branalifarm

What do I really need to bring home a goat?

So you're bringing home a goat! Congratulations, now don't go getting carried away (that's my job- I'm the queen of over preparing! There's a lot available for sale, but not a lot you really need....


I could, and should, write a separate post about fencing. But basically you need a fence to keep your goats in, and safe from wandering, and a fence to keep predators out, where they can't hurt your goats. (Notes for later: 1 way gates and 2x4 horse woven wire)


This can be as fancy as a horse barn, or as simple as a lean-to. Pintrest has tons of great ideas. For bedding in our shed we use Pine Shavings.


Another new post is needed here! But at its most basic I feed B&G vintage feeds; Dairy Goat/Pro Sheep to my does in milk and Equinox horse to the dry does and kids. They now do NOT contain added minerals, I top dress with TruCare and have SweetLix available free choice with baking soda.


Here's a list, and I'll add links, of the most basic needs for your goats:

-A local goat vet. Call around, see who treats goats OFTEN not just "she will see them if needed." Introduce yourself, save their number, and ideally schedule a wellness visit.

-Hoof trimming sheers

-Hoof brush and pick

-Divided mineral feeder

-Small feeding trough

-Safety/Breakaway Collars

-Water buckets


-non-return teat dipper


-SS wide/shallow dish

-Milk filter/funnel

-Disc Filters these are a little than what I bought last

-Jar for milk

*I milk into a SS pail and store milk in mason jars

Bottle Feeding?

-Pritchard lamb/kid teat

-CocaCola branded bottle

-raw goats milk or whole cow's milk

*warm milk on the stove in a pot of warm water, never in a microwave.


I began my research by checking out EVERY goat book my library's region had: its amazing how much variety is available when you source every library in the networks! I read through many, and bought my own copies of my favorite two, which happened to be:

-The Goat Handbook by Ulrich Jaudas

A great podcast is Goat Talk with the GoatDoc and the best website out there is FiascoFarms which is also who I order herbal goat supplements from.

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